

[The development is: Completed]

Shootshift is one game I made for the 35th edition of the LudumDare.

It's a very small game but I really enjoyed how it turned out at the end.

Every time I try to make something for a game jam I always try to experiment something new to learn. With this game I tried for the first time a very raw and brutal system of lighting and a simple isaac-style room based map generation.

The player starts in an empty room, and he have to travel around to search for upgrade and boss room to be able to progress.

The theme of the jam was "Shapeshift", so the core mechanic develops on the player character which continues to shapeshift into a different thing each five action/movement he do. Each shape is a different weapon and the player need to adapt to it to be able to defend himself from the enemies.


Itch.io Page => https://elkiwydev.itch.io/shootshift
LudumDare Page => http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-35/?action=preview&uid=40741